Data Analysis Courses

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All Data Analysis Courses

We found 6 courses available for you

Time Series Analysis and Forecasting with R

21 hours

Learn the practical aspects of time series that are most …

What you'll learn
Visualization of univariate and multivariate time series data
Tests for stationarity of time series variables
Co-integration analysis: Engle and Granger, Phillip Ouliaris and Johansen Approaches
Auto-regressive Distributed Lag Approach to Cointegration Analysis
Forecasting univariate and multivariate time series the practical aspects of time series data

Trade Policy Analysis using R


Learn the concepts and analysis of trade performance including gravity and …

What you'll learn
Concepts and analysis of trade performance
Augmented Models
Gravity models.

Introduction to panel data using R


Learn the practical and conceptual aspects necessary to perform rigorous …


Productivity Analysis: SFA Approach


Become an expert in analyzing partial and total productivity and …


Productivity Analysis: DEA Approach


Learn how to improve the workflow of your productivity analysis …


Intermediate Data Analysis Using R Programming Language


This is a hands-on workshop, and all methods will be …